Stock Transfer Receipt (TR)

The Stock Transfer Receipt (TR) completes the transfer of items from one warehouse to another. If Transfer Reorder is selected [ Y ] on Warehouse Management (WHS2) , this document updates Inventory Inquiry (INV2) to reflect issued-out plus transferred-out quantities. This flag causes the system to include transferred items when calculating reorder quantities. Note: For Stock Transfers between warehouses, transferred quantity must equal the received quantity.


Date of Record

Defaults to the date the system accepts the document. Enter the date ( mm dd yy ) that you want to associate with the transaction, usually the current date. You cannot enter a future date.

Accounting Period

Defaults from the Date of Record . If you want this transaction recorded in another accounting period, enter the desired open period ( mm yy ). You cannot enter future periods.

Budget FY

Defaults to the current fiscal year budget. If you want this transaction recorded in another fiscal year, enter the desired open fiscal year. You cannot enter future budget fiscal years.

New/Modification/ Cancellation [Action]

Defaults to New [E] . Valid values are:

New [E]

Create a new document.

Modification [M]

Modify an existing document. Allows you to add lines to a previous document, change the quantities of existing lines (not codes), or cancel a line (decrease a line to zero).

Cancellation [X]

Cancel an existing document.

Receiving Warehouse

Display only. The receiving warehouse indicated on the Stock Transfer Issue (TI) document is displayed.

Issuing Warehouse

Display only. The issuing warehouse indicated on the Stock Transfer Issue (TI) document is displayed.

Received by

Required. Enter the name of the person responsible for the receipt of the transfer.

Received Date

Required. Enter the current or past date when the transfer was received.

All Quantity OK

Defaults to Default [blank] . Enter Yes [Y] if the entire transfer was received and the quantity received is equal to the quantity issued for every stock item.

Line information is not displayed if Yes [Y] is selected.


Optional. Enter up to thirty characters of text you want associated with the receipt of the transferred goods.


Conditional. Required if All Quantity OK is No [N] . Enter the item line number associated with this item.

Stock Item Number

Display only. The stock item code from the Stock Transfer Issue (TI) document line is displayed. This field is blank if All Quantity OK is Yes [Y] .

Transfer Quantity

Display only. The quantity indicated on this item line of the Stock Transfer Issue (TI) document is displayed. This field is blank if All Quantity OK is Yes [Y] .

Issue Unit

Display only. The standard unit of issue from Inventory Inquiry (INVN) is displayed. This field is blank if All Quantity OK is Yes [Y] .

Received Quantity

Conditional. Required if All Quantity OK is No [N] . Enter the quantity of goods received.


Default is Default [blank] . On a modification transaction, valid values are Increase [I] or Decrease [D] (reflects the change in quantity received).


Display only. This description for this line is inferred from Inventory Inquiry (INVN). This field is blank if All Quantity OK is Yes [Y] .