Open Payment Voucher Line Inquiry (1 of 2) (OPVL)

Open Payment Voucher Line Inquiry (OPVL, OPV2) contains details about payment voucher lines. Most of the information comes from the line level of the payment voucher document. In addition, the payment voucher closed amount and disbursed amount are included for each line.

This window is organized by vendor code. Consequently, all payment voucher documents for a particular vendor are accessed sequentially. Entries are added when new payment voucher lines are accepted by the financial system; entries are updated when modifications are accepted. Several fields are updated when manual warrant documents are accepted against them, or they are updated by the cash disbursement process. Lines are closed when the total of all referencing manual warrants and cash disbursements equals the payment voucher line amount. When the clearing process deletes a line in Open Payment Voucher Header Inquiry (OPVH), it also deletes all corresponding detail lines from Open Payment Voucher Line Inquiry (OPVL).



Key field. Enter the vendor code used on the payment voucher document. If vendor code is blank, the value None is assigned by the document processor.

Voucher Number

Key field. Enter the payment voucher document number of the document.

Vendor Invoice

Key field. Enter the vendor's invoice number from the payment voucher document.

Line Number

Key field. Enter the line number from the payment voucher document.


The line description from the payment voucher document is displayed.

Federal Aid Number

Display only. This field is not currently used.

Accounting Line View

Accounting Line Data

Fund, Agency, Orgn/Sub, Appr Unit, Activity, Function, Object/Sub, Rev Source/Sub, BS Account, Reporting Cat, Job Number, Project, Termini

The accounting distribution from the input document is displayed.

PC Vend Number

The Vendor Code is displayed from the Procurement Card document.This allows 1099 information to be captured for all vendors that are "true" vendors of the Commonwealth.

Batch Number

Optional. Enter a unique alphanumeric batch identifier which is used to group documents. This number becomes the first four digits of the batch number. The last two digits of the batch number are added when the voucher is generated and corresponds to the month entered in To Date on Application Dates (LDAT).

Cost Data View

Cost Data


The number of units that this commodity line represents is displayed.

Voucher Line Amount

The line amount is displayed. This amount reflects all adjustments to the original amount is displayed.

Discount Type

The value for the discount type entered on the input document is displayed. Valid values are on Discount Type (DISC).

Discount Amount

The payment voucher discount amount for this payment voucher line calculated by the Automated Disbursement Process is displayed.

Withheld Line Amount

The portion of this disbursement that was deducted for backup withholding is displayed.

Disbursed Amount

The amount paid on this payment voucher line is displayed. This is the total of all manual warrant and cash disbursements against this line.

Closed Amount

The total amount of disbursements for this payment voucher line is displayed.

Check Data View

Check Data

Last Check/MW Num

The document number of the last automated check or manual warrant that referenced this line or VC, which indicates that the check has been voided, is displayed.


The check date of the disbursement or the document date of the manual warrant referenced in the previous field is displayed.

Num of Checks Written

Every time a manual warrant or Automated Disbursement (AD) document is generated, this counter is incremented by one.

Reference Transaction View

Reference Transaction


The ID of the referenced transaction is displayed.


The accounting line of the referenced document is displayed.

Commodity Line

The commodity line of the referenced document is displayed.


The entry date of the referenced document is displayed.

Vendor Invoice ID

The ID of the referenced vendor invoice is displayed.

Commodity Line

The purchase order commodity line number from the referenced document is displayed.


The entry date of the vendor invoice document is displayed.